When you request a free estimate, we use satellite & street imagery to accurately measure your roof, and will email/text you an on-line estimate, in 1-2 days. Estimates include free inspection, cleaning & minor repairs, as well as an immediate financing option.
Satellite Imagery
In order to provide RoofRestor treatment and 5-year warranty, the roof should qualify as follows:
5-50 year old asphalt shingle roof
5-50% granular loss
0-3 missing or damaged shingles
0-2 minor leaks & no damage to roof sublayers
Upon your quote approval, we will promptly schedule a convenient time to professionally inspect your roof and confirm its qualification for treatment. In the event that your roof does not qualify, we will simply cancel the service without any charge. If additional services or repairs are recommended prior to treatment, we will provide an itemized quote for these. Upon your final approval, we will proceed with RoofRestor Full Treatment, including free roof & gutter cleaning and minor repairs.
Payment by cash, check or
credit card will be accepted upon
satisfactory completion of services,
and warranty sent promptly.